Flat At Balagaranahalli Village. Anekal Taluk, Bangalore

Listing ID:1275906
Listing Type:Sarfaesi Auction
Institution:IDBI Bank Ltd
Institution Branch:Mission Road, Bangalore
Contact Details:Contact The Authorized Officer: Praveen Kumar M Ph No: 080-61451322/24, 080-45359607
Auction Details:E-Auction
Borrower Name:Mr. BRM Hema Maheshwar
Property Type:Flat
Property Details:Flat measuring about 1150 Sq.ft.
Schedule of Property:Property Details: All that piece and parcel of Property bearing Site Nos.55,59,62,66,56,57,64,65,58,60,61 and 63, VP Katha Nos.1217/55,1221/59,1224/62.1228/66,1218/56,1219/57 1226/64.1227/65, 1220/58.1222/60,1223/61 and 1225/63 respectively, Presently bears clubbed common Katha No. 1218/56-1219/57-1220/58-1222/60-1223/61-1227/65-12, SI.No.150200101500401329, situated in the layout Known as "BR Valley Park" formed in converted Sy Nos 48/1,48/2,48/3,48/4 and 49/2 (the land bearing Sy Nos.48/1 and 48/2 is converted by the office of the Special Deputy Commissioner Vide Official Memorandum dated 31/03/2009, bearing No ALN (A) (K and A) SR 398/07-08, and land bearing Sy.No.48/3 and 48/4, is converted by the office of the Special Deputy Commissioner Vide Official Memorandum dated 11/11/2010, bearing No. ALN (A) (A) SR:41/10-11(FULL DETAILS AVAILABLE IN SALE NOTICE)
Inspection Details:For Inspection Details: Contact The Authorized Officer: Praveen Kumar M Ph No: 080-61451322/24, 080-45359607
Possession Status:---
Reserve Price:2400000
Minimum Increment:10000
DSC Required:No
Accept Reserve Price value as First Bid:No
Start Date and Time of Auction:22-09-2023 10:00 am
End Date and Time of Auction:22-09-2023 1:00 pm
Time Extensions:If bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of auction, The auction end time will increase by 5 minutes.
Application Submission Deadline:20-09-2023 4:00 pm
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