Land and Building At Bedadka Village, Kasargod Taluk, Kasargod District.

Listing ID:1473550
Listing Type:Sarfaesi Auction
Institution:South Indian Bank
Institution Branch:Cherkala Branch
Contact Details:Contact the Authorized Officer : Authorised Officer (Tel. No. 0497 72713234 / 2713235 or 8826904358 , 04994-284800, 8848659770.
Auction Details:E-Auction
Borrower Name:Mr. Shahul Sardaf
Property Type:Land & Building
Property Details:Vacant Residential Land admeasuring 80.94 Ares
Schedule of Property:Name of Property Owner: Mrs. Shifana KA, Description of property: All that part and parcel of Vacant Residential Land admeasuring 80.94 Ares (200 cents approx) along with residential building thereon all other construction, improvements, Easementary Rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated in Re Sy No 312/pt57, 312/pt56 within Bedadka Village, Kasargod Taluk, Kasargod District and owned by Mrs.Shifana K A, more fully described In Jenmam Sale Deed no 4067/2017 dated 16.12.2017 of Sub Registrar Office Udma. BOUNDARIES (9.71 Ares in Sy No. 312/pt57 as per Revenue Records): North: Lands of Kunhiraman, East: Lands of Lakshmi, South: Moonamkadavu Kairalipara Road, West: Lands of Susheela. (71.23 Ares in Sy No.312/pt 56 as per Revenue Records): North: Moonamkadavu Kairalipara Road, East: Lands of Lakshmi, South: River, West: Lands of Shradha and Shoba.
Inspection Details:For Inspection : Contact the Authorized Officer : Authorised Officer (Tel. No. 0497 72713234 / 2713235 or 8826904358 , 04994-284800, 8848659770.
Possession Status:---
Reserve Price:2160000
Minimum Increment:10000
DSC Required:No
Accept Reserve Price value as First Bid:No
Start Date and Time of Auction:25-06-2024 10:30 am
End Date and Time of Auction:25-06-2024 11:00 am
Time Extensions:If bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of auction, The auction end time will increase by 5 minutes.
Application Submission Deadline:24-06-2024 5:00 pm
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