Land and Building at Tah. And Dist. Nagpur.

Listing ID:1365475
Listing Type:Sarfaesi Auction
Auction No:9819929
Institution:Tata Capital Housing Finance Limited
Institution Branch:Gandhi Square Sadar, Nagpur
Contact Details:Contact Authorized Officer : Mr. Manish Bansal Mob. No.:8588983696 , 9999078669
Auction Details:E-Auction
Borrower Name:Mr. Rajesh Beniprasad Bali
Property Type:Land & Building
Property Details:Plot No. 42 of Nazul, Adm. 1400 sq. ft., with construction
Schedule of Property:Description of the Immovable Property: Description of the Immovable Property: All that piece and parcel of the Plot No. 42 of Nazul, Adm. 1400 sq. ft., with construction thereon, House No. 418/A/42, Ward No. 57, Kh. No. 62/2K, 97/3, 98, 99, 100, 101/1 and 105 of Mz.- Indora, PH No. 8/11, C. S. No. 531, Sheet No. (297) 49, Tah. and Dist. Nagpur. The Boundaries are as follows: East Plot No. 43, West: Plot No. 41, North: Road, South Plot No. 27.
Inspection Details:Inspection Date and Time January 4th, 2024 at 11:00am - January 4th, 2024 at 5:00pm
Possession Status:Physical Possession
Reserve Price:3200000
Minimum Increment:10000
Maximum Increment:100000
DSC Required:No
Accept Reserve Price value as First Bid:No
Start Date and Time of Auction:16-01-2024 2:00 pm
End Date and Time of Auction:16-01-2024 3:00 pm
Time Extensions:If bid is placed in the last 10 minutes of auction, The auction end time will increase by 10 minutes.
Application Submission Deadline:15-01-2024 5:00 pm
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