Land At Thekkil Village, Kasaragod Taluk, Kasaragod District

Listing ID:1472756
Listing Type:Sarfaesi Auction
Institution:South Indian Bank
Institution Branch:Cherkala Branch
Contact Details:Contact the Authorized Officer:8826904358 ,04994 284880
Auction Details:E-Auction
Borrower Name:M/s Delcon Engineering Private Limited
Property Type:Plot
Property Details:Land admeasuring 66.97 Cents Re Sy No 255/1
Schedule of Property:All that part and parcel of Land admeasuring 66.97 Cents (Erstwhile 92 cents before NHAI acquisition) along with all constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon in Re Sy No 255/1Pt in Thekkil Village, Kasaragod Taluk, Kasaragod District and owned by Mr T.D. Ahmed (late) and inherited by his legal heirs Mr. TD Muneer, Mr.Hassan Basri TD. Mr. Muhammed Shafeeque T D. Ms Fathimath Thafseera T D. Mr Kadaripasha T D.Mr. Mohammed Noufal T D. Mrs Kadeeja Ahmed, as more fully described in Partition Deed no 1473/1983 dated 14.07.1983, Release deed No 3648/2008 dated 05.09.2008 Release deed No 1923/2012 dated 02.05.2012 and Release No 1137/2014 dated 19.03.2014 of Sub Registrar Office -Uduma BOUNDARIES As Per Deed: North:Lands of Mallath Mohammed, South: Land of TD Abdulla, East: Land of TO Ahammed, West: NH Road. As per Location certificate: North: Thodu, South: Property of Safi Others, East: Own Property, West NH Road.
Inspection Details:For Inspection : Contact the Authorized Officer:8826904358 ,04994 284880
Possession Status:---
Reserve Price:29700000
Minimum Increment:10000
DSC Required:No
Accept Reserve Price value as First Bid:No
Start Date and Time of Auction:20-06-2024 10:00 am
End Date and Time of Auction:20-06-2024 11:00 am
Time Extensions:If bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of auction, The auction end time will increase by 5 minutes.
Application Submission Deadline:19-06-2024 5:00 pm
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