Land At Thekkil Village, Kasargod Taluk, Kasargod District

Listing ID:1472764
Listing Type:Sarfaesi Auction
Institution:South Indian Bank
Institution Branch:Cherkala Branch
Contact Details:Contact the Authorized Officer:8826904358 ,04994 284880
Auction Details:E-Auction
Borrower Name:M/s Delcon Engineering Private Limited
Property Type:Plot
Property Details:Land admeasuring 43 cents (i.e17.40 Ares)
Schedule of Property:All that part and parcel of Land admeasuring 43 cents I e17.40 Ares) along with all constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated in Re Sy No 247/1 (21.50 cents). Re Sy No 247/2APt, (2.001 cents), Re Sy No 247/3 cents) in Thekkil Village, Kasargod Taluk, Kasargod District and owned by Mr Muneer TD as morefully described in Settlement Deed no 3213/2016 dated 24.10.2016 of Sub Registrar Office Udma. BOUNDARIES: North Property of Bendichal Moideen, South: Panchayath Road, East Property of TO Ahmed ( late), West: Property of Shafeeq TD
Inspection Details:For Inspection : Contact the Authorized Officer:8826904358 ,04994 284880
Possession Status:---
Reserve Price:7200000
Minimum Increment:10000
DSC Required:No
Accept Reserve Price value as First Bid:No
Start Date and Time of Auction:20-06-2024 1:00 pm
End Date and Time of Auction:20-06-2024 2:00 pm
Time Extensions:If bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of auction, The auction end time will increase by 5 minutes.
Application Submission Deadline:19-06-2024 5:00 pm
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