Plot At Aluva West Village, Aluva Taluk, Ernakulam District

Listing ID:1238363
Listing Type:Sarfaesi Auction
Institution:JM Financial Asset Reconstruction Company Limited
Institution Branch:Prabhadevi, Mumbai
Contact Details:Contact The Authorized Officer: Vikram Shetty. +91 9880405324, +91 99645 54503 + 4927 2491
Auction Details:E-Auction
Borrower Name:M/s. Transglobal Inland Container Service Pvt. Ltd
Property Type:Plot
Property Details:Property measuring 42.08 Ares
Schedule of Property:All that is part and parcel of 42.08 Ares 36.48 Ares as per latest tax receipt of property in Survey Nos. 299/2B/3. 299/2A/2 of Aluva West Village, Aluva Taluk, Ernakulam District together with all improvements easements, rights etc. of whatever nature which is attached to it covered by document Nos- 2310/71 dated 15.07.1971 of Aluva SRO

Boundaries : North: Property of Karakkatt and Kalaparambu, South: Road, East: Road, West: Property of Karakkat Owned by Francis Xavier
Inspection Details:Inspection of the Assets : - On July 31, 2023 between 11 am to 3pm
Possession Status:Physical Possession
Reserve Price:119500000
Minimum Increment:1000000
DSC Required:No
Accept Reserve Price value as First Bid:No
Start Date and Time of Auction:23-08-2023 11:00 am
End Date and Time of Auction:23-08-2023 12:00 pm
Time Extensions:If bid is placed in the last 3 minutes of auction, The auction end time will increase by 3 minutes.
Application Submission Deadline:21-08-2023 5:00 pm
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